An absolute brilliant display of tactile and directional communication with an Ecollar by @fullsendk9training This is the text he wrote, explaining the process in the original post : Filming this was quite a challenge, but I believe I managed to capture what I intended! Not perfectly synced but good enough
#k9servicesunlimited #blacklab #DogTraining #ecollar #gundog 🚨This serves as an experiment to demonstrate how an e-collar can provide directional cues. In prior sessions, Raider has had straight left and right back turns, where I raised my appropriate arm while simultaneously activating the appropriate collar stimulation as negative reinforcement. Raider has a collar receiver on the left and right side if his neck which are controlled independently of each other. In this instance, I’m solely using the left or right collar to indicate the direction I want him to turn back. 🚨I want to emphasize that I won’t be using this method in real-life situations; I’m doing it purely to illustrate how a dog can associate tactile cues with specific behaviors.
#k9servicesunlimited #blacklab #ecollar #gundog