I demand the first amendment to the constitution It is unfair that you or whoever is in charge of these platforms are fighting for free expression before the federal courts of the United States and it is you yourself who disqualify, limit and subjugate my freedom of expression, editing and publication, it is an irony , for the second time Maybe you violate my rights of free expression, editing and advertising, just as you defend your rights before the federal courts, the same thing I do for my content, my channel, my freedom of expression, freedom of editing and advertising, my channel is only entertainment, however on your platform there is a lot of sexual content, full of morbid and aggressive for many people and your platform allows free expression, in such a way I demand a review of my content and the first amendment of the United States be applied.
#band #basta #freedomofspeech #libertaddeexpresion #ibertaddeexpresion#libertad #edicion