Replying to @susanmarie276 Preliminary results *sneak peak* after Morpheus and Ultherapy didn’t give the results promised (stay tuned to the end) for Jen (60) from New York! In another common situation, Jen found herself quite disappointed after having had prior Ultherapy and Morpheus treatments promised to improve her aging neck. There are many of these superficial device treatments out there intended to “tighten,” but almost universally with an aging neck they are doomed to fail from the start, and Jen is a prime example of that. Like most people, Jen‘s real aging changes are deep in the structures of her neck, the musculature of her neck, the glands of her neck, and much less in the fat pads superficially. This takes a very particular type of rejuvenation correct, and even most superficial neck lift procedures fail with this. Through a minimally invasive route, the deep structures of the neck need to be addressed lifted, and shaped back to create a solid deep structure, directly correcting where the actual aging is happening. To boot, these superficial procedures can compromise the vascular and blood flow to the neck with the heat damage that they caused, which can compromise later procedures and increase complication rates. Even these seemingly harmless, yet misguided, attempts to correct an aging face carry consequences in the long-term, as is the case with everything in life. It is certainly better to just get it done properly the first time, especially when the degree of evasiveness can be custom tailored to exactly where you’re at in the aging process. All of that being said, we were able to revise and achieve a beautiful correction for Jen, and you can see those early, early results at the end of this video! This was part 2 for Jen, you can also see the portion related to revising her prior eyelid surgery, posted yesterday. . . .
#drchesnut #plasticsurgery #endoscopicbrowlift #naturalresults