Every year around the holidays, I feel like the spirit of comparison runs extra deeeeep😣 Listen, we’re ALL guilty of having those thoughts as some point in our lives. We are HUMAN, it happens! But I’m here to remind you to water your own grass until it looks greener🌱 I can’t tell you how many times I questioned God about my timeline. I thought I was doing something wrong, and in hindsight I was simply riding this crazy roller coaster we call LIFE. You journey literally prepares you for what’s to come. Every “no” I heard, got me ready for today’s YES. The heartache I felt, helped me appreciate the true love I have now. Those jobs I hated, all taught me skills to run my business and grow my team today. Again….you’re not behind! You’re just moving along your own personal timeline, and you should feel SPECIAL. God handcrafted it just for YOU🫵🏽 It’ll all start to make sense over time! And when you forget, I’ll be right here to remind you.❤️🤞🏽 P.S. We put our tree up the day after thanksgiving, and as of today all the ornaments on the bottom are gone😭 Shoutout to TODDLERHOOD🎄🫠
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