Here’s the corrected version of your text for improved grammar and readability: Bag Etiquette I see it every day. Ladies, even if you own the most expensive and luxurious bag, it is far more powerful and elegant not to “place” it for everyone to see. There are exceptions, of course. If you’re in a very busy pub or bar, make sure your bag is safe—no one wants the hassle of canceling credit cards, applying for new ones, replacing your driver’s license, or buying a new lipstick that was so hard to find in the first place! Join our special class, Social Etiquette “Norms,” where we’ll dive into subtle details that can effortlessly elevate your status. Without saying a word, you’ll exude elegance and freedom. After all, it’s better to know and not need it than to need it and not know how. Check link in BIO to see Etiquette Classes. . .
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