The pain of labor is something I get asked about a lot. Comment
#painoflabor to watch my free birth workshop all about the pain of labor. 💗 Hi, I’m Trish, also known as Follow me for all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. 💗 For first time moms who have never experienced childbirth, the unknown of how giving birth feels can be very intimidating. And while labor is undoubtedly painful, and different for everyone, there are ways to make the experience more manageable if you learn how to flip what you’re thinking in the moment. I want you to remember that labor pain is: P for purposeful. It is a sign that your body is working, and it serves an important purpose. A for anticipated. It is something that you can prepare for and expect. I for intermittent. It comes in waves, and there will be moments of rest between them. N for necessary. The pain of labor means that everything is going right. It’s good pain because it means you will have your baby in your arms very soon. So if the thought of the pain that comes with labor is keeping you up at night, be sure to comment
#painoflabor (don’t forget the hashtag) to get access to my free pain of labor class. . . . .
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