We performed at The Mock Pit in New York, and performed our songs and led yoga + a new moon manifestation to an intimate crowd. We drank kava, mocktails, and enjoyed some leafy greens. This song will make you feel hopeful + empowered to follow your dreams! It’s all about igniting your root chakra, located at the base of your spine, with booming bass lines and uplifting lyrics. The root chakra is linked to your ability to dig in and feel firmly rooted in your life. Amidst a flood of meditative tunes focused on chakra work, we wanted to bring something different—a track that not only gets you moving but also powers up your energy from the core! Please share this with your family and friends who will resonate with it 🙏 This is a song off our debut album United States of Galactivation, which is out now everywhere! We create high vibe, uplifting music, infused with an intent to bring humanity to a higher level
#highvibe #experimentalbass #upliftingmusic #rootchakrahealing