I’ve failed with diabetes…A LOT Having lived with diabetes for over 25 years, I can safely say I have had my fair share of colossal failures. And at times, they’ve really really gotten me down. Even as a professional in the space who works with diabetes every day, there are situations that will drive me up a wall. Some examples: 💉My well-documented insulin pump site failures 💉Miscalculating a dose at an event and ending up with a very high blood sugar 💉Having a nasty blood sugar and interrupts quality time with Amelia But from these failures, I have two choices. I can choose to beat myself up or I can choose to learn from it. And by choosing to learn from it, it sets me up so going forward that the only options I have in life are winning with diabetes or learning with diabetes. And that’s a lot more fun than feeling like a failure. So if you’re having a tough day, know it’s not just you. You got this.
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