Even in the midst of the darkest times of your life- when you feel utterly alone in the battle- God is there! When you feel like you have run too far, done too much, screwed up past the point of redemption- God is there! When everyone else turns their back & walks out on you, gives up on you, or betrays you- God is there! In the middle of the worst part of addiction when you would give anything to be normal again- God is there! On the mountain top when things are going smooth& In the valley where things couldn’t be going more wrong- God is there! There is purpose in our pain friends! You can’t have a testimony without a trial! The hard times is what makes us appreciate the good times! Every single thing you have gone through up until this point serves a purpose! God will give you beauty for ashes if you let Him! He will break the chains off you that you thought were impossible to break! You tried soo many times & failed- but you weren’t relying & including Jesus! We MUST include God in every single aspect of our lives friend! Leaving Him out of any part of our lives is a mistake right from the start! He is our help in trouble- He will make a way where there is not a way otherwise! I’ve seen Him do it first hand- with my own 2 eyes! I assure you God is very real and longs for you to seek Him with your whole heart! Please seek Jesus while He may still be found! Time is drawing short! I love you friend and Jesus loves you more than anyone else ever could! I am choosing to thank God for my trials and put every ounce of faith that I have in Jesus! He never lets me down! He has blessed me & my life far more than I ever deserve! I fell soooo far away from God for sooooo long. I’m just so eternally grateful that I finally seen the light 💡 Turn to Jesus today friend! Know He is with you every second! You are NEVER alone! You haven’t fallen too far, or done too much, or whatever the case may be- You may have been running for years- it only takes one step to fall back into the everlasting arms of Christ Jesus- Yeshua- our king! Get on your knees and repent. Ask for forgiveness and cry out to Jesus! He will meet you right where you are friend. Please know you are loved- always have been always will be! Jesus loves you and so do I!
#fyi #truth #blessings #Jesus #ThankYouGod #For #Everything #TheGood #TheBad #TheUgly #victory #defeat #trials #thankyouJesus #foritall #Christian #addiction #ChainBreaker #Deliverer #redeemer #believer #Faith #mustardseed #BelieveItAndReceiveIt #Believe #Receive #CountYourBlessings #BeGrateful #ThankfulHeart #DoesTheBodyGood #JesusSquad #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #chains #broken #called #chosen #setapart #repent #fallonyourface #getonyourknees #prayer #pray #without #ceasing