I was 38wks pregnant, & this is my first kid. I was in labor for 4 days. I went to the hospital on day 2 & got sent home at 2CM / 80% effaced for what was supposed to be “prodromal labor”. I couldn’t sleep, cramping (contracting) every 30 min to a hour & sometimes every 5-20 minutes apart - they had different waves. Also, had bowel movements atleast 2-3 times a day, & everytime I ate my body flushed it out within the next hour. The cramping got so bad that i couldn’t even lay down in bed without pain, so day 4 i went back to the hospital. My cervix check was 2-3CM but still had to focus on my breathing bc of the pain. They monitored me for another hour & i went to a 4 at next check. They admitted me, i went from 4CM to 8CM in 3 hours. I couldn’t imagine getting sent home again, I wouldn’t have even went for it if they tried. I had No pitocin my whole labor, my son came naturally. My water broke at 9CM. Trust your bodies ladies. If your cramps are getting stronger and aren’t going away, it’s not Braxton hicks or a false labor. Your baby is near.
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