The transitions our family has experienced throughout the 5 years we’ve been together have been nothing short of incredible. We started our family in a beautiful, historic 3 bedroom house in a neighborhood full of stray cats. We learned to navigate life as a family, slowly introducing more complexities as Fry got older and as we all learned more and more about each other. It took us a year and a half to realize we wanted something different. When an amazing friend offered us the opportunity to live on her land in the middle of the woods and completely off the grid, we had a 30 second conversation before terminating our lease. This was the change we were seeking. That summer, we bought an RV and moved into the woods. This decision changed the trajectory of our lives forever. Homeschooling fry gave us a new perspective on the abilities she had, and the accommodations she needed to perform well. It provides a deeper understanding of what she needed to be successful— something brick-and-mortar schools refused to see due to her high IQ & intelligence. It taught us about creating healthy family processes and how to communicate effectively when we no longer had commodities we used to have. For one year, we ran on solar power and generators, showered with 5 gallons of water in an outside shower we built, washed our clothes by hand, homeschooled fry, and fell more and more in love with nature. Although it was not easy, everything felt great until my wife and I were laid off from our jobs in the same day, and were told by code enforcement we had to leave the land. Our lives shattered. With the money we had in savings, we decided we would start fresh in a new state and continue living in our RV. We traveled from city to city, seeing the country until we settled in a small town in New Mexico. We were able to enroll fry back in school with the accommodations she needed (after a long battle with the school) and lived happily with our dog Alvin and our cat Mishu for another year. When we landed a job based in GA, we made the move. In October of 2024, we rented a house, and enrolled fry in the BEST school she’s ever been at so far. We are closer to family, fry has an IEP, we have more space for our pets, AND we expanded our family with a kitten named Langston. This journey hasn’t been an easy one, and this summary doesn’t even begin to explain the hardships we faced along the way. But everything we’ve been through has brought us here. To Langston. To the best version of our family. To you. You’re now part of our family. Thank you❤️
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