Dreamgirls are your friends! That’s what this series has been about—bringing these incredible women into my space, seeing them shine, and sharing laughter in between moments. It’s been so fun having them over, and the best part is capturing their energy through my lens. I’ve loved getting to know these amazing women this year, and I feel truly blessed. I’m thankful I didn’t give up on myself—I’ve created something out of nothing, right in my own bedroom! When I felt like giving up, I kept going, and I want to remind you that you can do the same. From me and my good friend Requelle, we wish you a Happy New Year filled with new blessings. 🫂💘 As always, made with love!
#dreamgirls #friends #Love #fyp #photography #photoshoot #femalephotographer #independentartist #losangeles #y2k #90s #model