If you’re hungry for songs where women triumph and get sh*t done, you should start your year with my course “Badass Women in Folk Song!” This is a 6 week experience that you can take virtually (with two different times to choose from) or locally if you’re in western NC! In our time together, we’ll learn a one-of-a-kind collection of ballads and songs about witches, warriors and triumphant women from Scotland, England and Appalachia, and strategies of resistance that these folk songs teach us. **I’ve also just added an additional experience for the course: We’ll have a special guest lecture about how women have used literature and plant metaphors to talk about their experiences of abortion and miscarriage, to parallel our studies of abortifacients and coded language in folk song.** With the dire political times we’re in, Badass Women is intended to be a balm to carry you through the winter. I’m offering this class at a big discount, so take advantage now! Virtual cohorts start on January 16th, and the in-person cohort starts on January 13th! Check out the schedule and register using the link in my bio! The song I’m singing, “Red Haired Becky” is written by Si Kahn, a contemporary folk musician and organizer who writes excellent new songs inspired by folk tradition.
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