meal prep with me for the week: 🍝🍞🥙🌶️ this keeps our household stocked for early mornings out the door & both of us on track with our nutrition - I do this 1x a week for me & my 👨🏻🚒 breakfast: 1️⃣ egg, bacon, sausage & cheese muffins 2️⃣ cold brew lunch // dinner: 1️⃣ venison + air fried potatoes 2️⃣ honey lemon chicken bowls 3️⃣ pasta + meat sauce dessert: 1️⃣ mint Oreo protein ice cream protein I use is @ghostlifestyle & 1000/10 on flavors.. shop with code ‘BROOKLYN’ to save 20% off 🤤🤤❣️
#weeklymealprep #mealprep #highproteinmealprep #firefighterwife