Hyacinths are fragrant flowers native to the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia. Perfect for indoors or outdoors, they’re a springtime favorite! Quick Facts: • Colors: Pink, purple, blue, white, yellow, and red. • Bloom Season: Early spring (March-April). • Care Indoors: After blooming, trim dead flowers, let leaves die back naturally, and keep bulbs in a cool, dry place. • Plant Outdoors? Yes! After indoor blooms fade, plant bulbs outdoors in fall for next year. Outdoor Care: • Light: Full sun or partial shade. • Soil: Well-draining, rich in organic matter. • Water: Keep soil slightly moist, especially during growth. Avoid overwatering! Hyacinths grow well in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-9. • Zones 3-7: Hyacinths thrive naturally and bloom in spring without much additional care. These zones offer the cold winter temperatures that hyacinth bulbs need for proper dormancy and flowering. • Zones 8-9: In warmer climates, hyacinths may require pre-chilling in the refrigerator for 8-10 weeks before planting, as they need a cold period to bloom properly.
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