Since 2023, we have been letting our kids run down the same strip of hallway in the new Kansas City airport. At a rate of two times a month and all we've ever gotten are smiles and laughs. (And an occasional, " that's a good idea!") And one time, this wonderful gentleman challenged my children to a foot race. Before you come at me in my comments, we're smart about this. My children have never run into anybody. If it's overly crowded they are not allowed to run. The last thing we want to do is be a nuisance. They're not screaming down the airport hallway. This particular hallway has lots of room and two people movers and most people ride on those people movers leaving the middle walkway pretty clear. We let them run about 20 ft ahead of us and then they pause and wait and then run another 20 ft once we catch up. And all of the people on our flights are very thankful that our kids are worn out by the time they have to be buckled in for hours at a time without being able to meet their movement needs. Letting your kids run in a public place is largely frowned upon, but we're getting all smiles here. I don't know if it's because we're in Kansas City and people are generally more friendly, or if they recognize that it's important to get little kid wiggles out before they get on the plane! . . . .
#kelsewhatelse #flywithkids #familytraveltips #flyingwithatoddler #midwesternmom #kansascityinfluencer