Today we celebrate the Epiphany! 🥰🙏🏻 Epiphany (or Theophany, as it’s known in the Eastern Catholic Church) is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God in His Son as human in Jesus Christ! The word epiphany comes from the Greek word meaning “manifestation.” In western traditions, this feast also commemorates the visit of the Magi to the Christ child & Jesus’ physical manifestation to the Gentiles. It is also known as Three Kings’ Day & is celebrated on January 6th or the closest Sunday to that date. This is typically the 12th day after Christmas! This day is also known within folk traditions, including the Ozarks, as “Old Christmas Eve.” In Ireland this day was celebrated as a day of rest for women who have been working nonstop during the holiday season! The Epiphany not only signifies the calling of the chosen few, like the Wise Men, but it also is an invitation for anyone to find & follow Christ. For the first time, God was physically present for people on Earth through His Son, no longer just a voice in the wilderness. There are many traditions associated with the Epiphany. Blessing of the Home on the Feast of the Epiphany is one tradition done within Catholicism! This can include writing “20+C+M+B+25” (for 2025) above a doorway on the entrance to the home with consecrated chalk to bless & protect your home & each person who enters and exits it! The chalking of the doors is a centuries-old practice worldwide, though it appears to be sometimes less well-known in the United States. Traditionally, this sequence & symbols are in remembrance of the names of the Magi as Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar—although these names are not found in Scripture. It is also believed that the “C M B” may also stand for “Christus Mansionem Benedicat,” meaning “May Christ bless this dwelling!” In German folk traditions, you can also use this consecrated chalk to draw a cross on the sole of your or a loved one’s shoes to protect them from illness, harm & all evil. At Mass, I grabbed some consecrated chalk to bless my own home once I return from Nebraska this week & I’m very excited! 🥰
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