If you have been following my page, you know that eggs contain key nutrients for pregnancy! They are one of the best food sources of choline and the yolks contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, some of which are difficult to find in other foods! Unfortunately, some expectant mothers have aversions to eggs (hello first trimester!) If this is you, you may find that eggs are better tolerated when cooked into other foods rather than by themselves. So if you can’t stomach eggs by themselves, then try ⬇️ • French toast with berries and green yogurt • Protein & veggie fried rice • Pancakes made from toast, chia seeds, eggs, and banana! If you need more support on your pregnancy nutrition journey, this is exactly what I do in Balanced Bump Method! Apply at the link in bio.
#foodaversions #morningsickness #firsttrimester #firsttrimesterpregnancy #healthypregnancy #healthypregnancyeating