The Single Leg Hanging Knee Raise with Slow Bicycle Movement is an excellent exercise for building core strength, stability, and coordination. ❓What muscles does it target❓ It primarily targets the lower abs, obliques, hip flexors, and improves grip strength while also engaging the shoulders and lats for stabilization. ❓Who would this benefit and who should avoid it ❓ Athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to enhance their core endurance or develop control in their movements can benefit greatly from this exercise. However, those with shoulder injuries, weak grip strength, or lower back issues should avoid this or opt for a modified version. ❓How many reps and sets should I be doing❓ Perform 2-3 sets of 8-12 controlled repetitions per side, focusing on form over speed.
#Core #FunctionalTraining #GripStrength #Stability #AbsWorkout #FunctionalCore #Hips #HipExercises #Gym #Athlete