I know, New Year’s resolutions aren’t usually kept. They tend to be goals that are unrealistic and unattainable, doomed to fail from the start. But this year, I’ve set my most important challenge to date: find homes for my long term fosters! And so I begin today with highlighting one of my gorgeous grey brothers: Myth.
Myth is a stunning boy, with lovely round cheeks and green eyes that you can absolutely get lost in. Myth was found friendly and abandoned at a feral colony alongside his brother, Legend, and was with another rescue who specializes in feral cats before coming to me.
Myth is a giant goofball, constantly playing with toys and bounding around the foster room. If you bring out the wand toy, he performs acrobatics, and if there are freeze dried minnows presented? Slurped up like a noodle and gone in a flash! He can be a bit much for the other fosters, so he may do best as an only pet. But his character more than makes up for it! Myth chirrups almost constantly, ensuring there is never a moment when his thoughts aren’t being presented to his people, and loves to head boop.
You may be wondering: “How can I help Myth get adopted?” Even if you aren’t able to adopt Myth, it’s simple!
-Interact with this post! (You know you want to😉)
-Share this photogenic face so others can behold those lovely green eyes!
-Show your friends and family (who doesn’t love cat pics?!😸)
-Comment how you know that Myth is the best boy, and I’ll absolutely read those comments to him!
Myth has been in my foster room since the summer of 2023, and he is long overdue to find his furever family. Let’s see this boy adopted before next New Year’s Day!
#hello2025 #fosteringsaveslives #fostercats #adopt #greycat #greeneyes #photogenic #myth #furever #itstime #adoptme #adoptacat