Reminder: It’s never too late and you are not behind in life. I took almost two years off after graduating college and before starting law school. My gap years were both a time of transformation and confusion. While I loved having the time to confirm my desire to go to law school, study for the LSAT, and apply to law school, I also felt lost and behind in life. I saw friends start their careers, go to grad school, and embark on other ventures, while I was in this limbo phase. Looking back now, I am 100% happy with my decision to take time off before starting law school. I was mentally ready for law school and had time to do things for myself before it all began. So as living proof, I’m here to say it will work out. Not just work out, but the pieces will fall into place. Just keep going! Your timing is perfect for you and your journey. Whatever you do during your time of exploration and transformation, embrace it! It’s not just about reaching your destination, but enjoying the ride along the way. 🙏🏽 Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to in the end. Save this post as a reminder if you ever find yourself feeling behind in your journey to law school. 🤍 _________
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