These tips are specifically catered towards managing a life without a gallbladder, gastroparesis, or gastroenteritis. They’re also beneficial to anyone who may be struggling to lose weight, bloating or discomfort after eating, or curious to try something new!
🍚 OKKO Brown Rice Cakes:
••Benefits: Low-fat, gluten-free, & simple carb source for energy, easily digestible & least to irritate your gut.
🍝 Barilla Protein+Pasta
••Benefits: Blend of grains, legumes, higher in protein & fiber to support a balanced digestion.
🫘 Garbanzo Beans
••Benefits: A source of fiber, protein, & complex carbs. For gastroparesis, mash/puree. Low in fat & nutrient-dense & suitable for a post-gallbladder removal.
🌾 Quest Protein Chips
••Benefits: High-protein, low-carb, & low-fat snack. They’re easier to digest compared to fried chips & align w/gallbladder-friendly diet. Eat in small portions for gastroparesis.
🍚 Mahatma Basmati Rice:
••Benefits: Low-fat, easily digestible carb, & ideal to soothe gut during gastroenteritis or gastroparesis flare-ups, & best for a gallbladder-friendly diet when paired with lean proteins & veggies.
🌾 Annie’s Vegan Mac
••Benefits: Plant-based & dairy-free, may be easier to digest & best for sensitive stomach.
🔑 Avoid heavy sauces, spices, and rich foods so these options are well-tolerated.
🔑 Pair with soft, cooked vegetables or lean protein to round out meals while maintaining comfort.
🔑 Adjust portion sizes based on tolerance.
🔑 Soft or pureed preparations of garbanzo beans and rice can be gentler for gastroparesis.
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#gastroparesisdiet #gastroenteritisdiets #gallbladderremovalmeals #guthealingfoods #LowFat #HealthyDigestion #GallbladderRemoval #PostCholecystectomy #GallbladderFriendly #GastroparesisDiet #EasyToDigestFoods #LowFiber #GutMotilitySupport #StomachSoothingFood #GentleOnTheStomach #GutHealingFoods