Yep, you heard that right! You DON’T have to start everything from seed to enjoy an easy-to-grow flower-filled space. 🌸 Head to your local nursery this spring and grab some plants that are ALREADY BLOOMING for low-maintenance care and instant gratification! 🌼 If you are feeling influenced to start flowers from seed this year, let yourself off the hook because you can grow the easiest flower garden without ever starting a seed! I’ve been growing flowers for almost 30 years and most of my gardens were designed with perennials, annuals, shrubs, vines, and trees that I bought from my local nursery. Here’s why! * Instant blooms = instant happiness! Who wants to wait months for color? * Less stress: No more worrying about germination rates or leggy seedlings. * Saves time: Skip the seed starting setup, the daily watering, and the constant worry! ⏱️ * Support local growers: Nurseries are treasure troves of healthy, ready-to-plant flowers. * Learn as you go: Observe how different plants thrive in YOUR garden. * Avoid disappointment: No more seedlings getting eaten by wildlife or seeds that just won’t sprout leaving you with nothing. * Worried about cost? Starting seeds takes time, supplies, and sometimes fails. A few healthy plants give you a head start! Seed starting is really fun to do and something I recommend if you really enjoy gardening. But if you just want to cozy up your porch or want a small patch of flowers, I am a huge proponent of keeping things simple with quick wins so you enjoy the journey. Save this TT and send it to a friend who wants to grow more flowers this year. Follow for more easy flower gardening inspiration.🌸
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