You can’t do it all. Y’all ever seen a fly repeatedly slam into a closed window like it personally owes them money? That’s you. That’s me. That’s ALL OF US… trying to “do it all” instead of just walking two inches to the left where the door is wide open. We don’t lack talent. We don’t lack ideas. We just lack the ability to get out of our own way. But nah, we’d rather panic, overthink, and burn ourselves out like our name is Candle McOverachiever. 🕯️🔥 Newsflash: The reason you feel like you’re drowning is because you keep trying to carry the whole ocean. 🌊 Pick one thing. Just one. Finish it. Then watch how much smoother everything else moves. Or keep slamming into that metaphorical window. Up to you. 🤷🏽♂️
#WorkSmarterNotHarder #GetOutOfYourOwnWay #Overthinking #mindset #SuccessWithoutStress