If you battle with a big slice or hook listen up!🚨 Likely you battle what's called early extension. If you aren't familiar with the term, it describes the action of standing up too early losing spine angle, and hips thrusting towards the ball. Here is how you can check if you early extend: Look at a video of your swing and pause it at the top of the swing. Draw a line on your butt, and if you butt moves towards the ball, you're early extending. WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM: Early extension is normally a product of opening your shoulders and going over the top of the plane line at the top of the swing. This makes the swing too steep and as you come down you run out of space. Hence, your body reacts by extending to make space for the club. Consequently, you likely flip your hands at impact leading to a big miss in both directions. HOW TO FIX IT: Two feedback drills are great to reroute this issue. 1) Put a physio ball, box, etc., right behind your butt. Take a swing and don't let your butt leave contact the object. 2) The drill in the video has an alignment stick to ensure depth is maintained and your shoulders don't open too early. Then, shift your weight into your front leg while staying closed and let your arms unfold. Finally, hit the impact bag out to the right!
#golfdrill #golflesson #earlyextension #slice #hook #feedback