Make this now or save it for Thanksgiving next year. Black Truffle turkey gravy with @TRUFF Hot Sauce Black Truffle oil. Black Truffle Turkey Gravy is SUPER simple to make. You just need the drippings from your turkey, the Turkey Giblets, Black Truffle Oil to taste (I used about 2-3 TBSP), and corn starch or flour water pre-mixed in water. Get your turkey drippings in a big pan, get them nice and hot, almost boiling. Get about a 1/4 cup of flour and pre mix that in some water (this step is SUPER important. If you don’t pre mix it, the flour will clump). Pre-boil the giblets or cook them in the turkey. Your call. Once you’ve got your collected turkey drippings, add those to a big pan, add in your black truffle oil, and start slowly adding in the flour/water mixture to thicken, once done add in your giblets and you’re good to go!
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