You'll never know unless you try. Don't let fear hold you back from things that you're ready to let go of. Most often when we fear something especially change the results actually end up being extraordinary. Liberating, freeing, and joyful. The great thing about life and changes that we always have choices to try new things to see what fits and what does not. The worst thing we can do as humans is to stay stuck because we are afraid. That's no way to live life. Especially in matters of the hair❤️ No matter, what you're ready to let go of, push past the fear take the first step, and the next step will follow. Let go of the fear, Grey hair grow out. Xoxo,V🌸
#DitchTheDye #GrayHairInfluencer #silverhair#SilverLiberation #BeforeAndAfterHair #PixieGrowOut