Vanessa and I had a wonderful day of self-care on Monday. We got to experience a cold plunge, hot sauna and a massage by my name twin and fellow 12th houser, Katie Wynn. This day, my heart chakra was not having it. Sometimes self-care isn’t easy. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes you would rather just avoid it and focus on others because it’s so much easier than facing your own skeletons. That day, I had to sit in silence with myself and ask some hard questions. Things that I need to acknowledge and stop ignoring. It’s easier for me to escape than deal with it sometimes.. but this energy said otherwise - my moonstone card validating it all for me. Self-care isn’t always hearts, rainbows and butterflies. In fact most of the time it’s painful and hard to digest.. but if you can find a place to grow - you’ll bloom and eventually feel wonderful 🌻
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