Anonymous question round up! I love these questions from high school students in health classes I’ve taught 📝💌✨☁️❤️🔥 here’s some background info: Throughout my years of being a health educator, I’ve collected question cards from students that I answer in our classes. I share them here to extend the education beyond the classroom, especially since so many people didn’t not receive quality education. But, while the questions were asked by high schoolers, the answers I share online are for my adult audience and may differ from the answers I gave students. Regarding their handwriting being displayed, know that the question cards do not come from the same class or same school. In addition, I never share recent question cards, and I give participants the option to write “no” on their card if they don’t want them shared 📌
#anonymousquestions #healtheducation #answeringquestions #healthclass #teachinghealth #studentquotes #questiontime #questionoftheday