WHAT HAPPENED WHEN I FINALLY LET GO OF THE SCALE Losing 110 pounds was just part of the journey. The real shift happened when I stopped obsessing over the number on the scale and started focusing on my non-scale victories. For me, everything changed when I let go of the scale and began writing down all the positive changes I was noticing. Things like: being grateful I can sit on the floor with my grandbabies and having the energy to keep up with them, feeling more confident in the clothes I’m wearing, feeling stronger lifting boxes during the move, and seeing my inflammation and bloat disappear. My body felt lighter, healthier, and more in balance. That’s when I truly began to recognize the transformation happening in my body—getting stronger, healthier, and more energized every day. The key for me has been focusing on daily healthy habits and not stressing over the scale. It’s all about the little wins that add up over time. If you’re ready to start your own journey and want to learn more about what I’m doing, drop a “me” in the comments below. Let’s make it happen! 💕
#NSV #Transformation #KetonesJourney #HealthyMindHealthyBody