For off airport landings, in addition to all the landing checks before shutting down, I use this exit technique every single time. The weight of a helicopter is mostly aft, and as we climb out, it shifts even farther aft. On uneven or soft terrain, the ground may not be as solid as we think, and the helicopter can tip over on its tail if not careful. Always be aware of possible weight shift and be ready to climb back in if needed. I train my passengers to do this also and I stand near enough to jump on the front of a skid if I needed. The bear paws help, in fact they are probably the cheapest piece of safety equipment you can install on a helicopter. But it can still happen. This is also the reason I never hot unload at ground idle…always keep it in fly to be able to counter any shift.
#backcountryflying #mountainflying #helicopterpilot