just a girl without medical insurance and tired of the running around - any doctors out there think what this might be? I’ve been dealing with it for 3 years now and I rang in the New Year with the worst flare up to date. This morning my forearms are uncomfortably swollen. My latest theory is I may have Hashimoto’s ? I had my left thyroid removed in 2017 and have not been on any thyroid medications in many years. I’ve tried troubleshooting any allergies including getting tested. My allergy tests showed a mild allergy to milk and cashews which I avoid. I’ve tried changing detergents, softeners, fabrics, environments, diets, fasted, no manicures, no hair dye, I’m not on any daily prescriptions, vitamins or supplements, changed shampoos, soaps, lotions, etc. I went to a dermatologist who took a live sample of my skin and found nothing wrong. I cannot find a specific trigger but some things that seem to trigger the hives: exercising, tighter part of clothing, horse and dog dander, cleaning supplies, letting water dry on the skin. However these things don’t ALWAYS trigger the hives. Sometimes they itch, other times they’re just ugly, they almost always start on my hands, palms, ankles and feet. The feet itching is the most insufferable thing I’ve ever expierenced. Eventually they group together, flatten out then disappear. Sometimes Benadryl helps, I’ve also tried Dramamine which seemed to keep them away a couple days but made me exhausted. Steroid creams and Cortizone creams sometimes but not always help. Please somebody has got to know what the cause is, I’m begging for help.