Its 2025, so this is how to start a painting business with less than $500!👇 Starting a painting business in 2025 doesn’t have to be expensive or costly as long as you follow this step. For $250-$500 get all of your legal stuff in order from opening up a business checking account, filing for your LLC, getting your EIN Number, Licenses, Insurance, etc. Then go to your local paint supplier store like Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore, and open up a credit account there for 0% APR. Buy everything on credit to perform the job, go do the job, get paid, come back and pay off your debt. Then go door to door knocking, free facebook groups, nextdoor app or family and friends to get your first jobs. Then make the money, and reinvest into paid marketing. Let me know what you think. Comment “GROUP” to join our private discord group of entrepreneurs to help you get to $1M a year. God bless!
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