WHEN to make your 🌑 wishes! ✨ 🕠 Each timezone is listed BELOW! The New Moon in Capricorn will be exact on December 30th at 2:27 pm PST / 5:27 pm EST The New Moon’s energy remains active for 48 hours after it becomes exact, offering a powerful window for setting your intentions. The most potent time to make wishes is within the first 8 hours. However, be mindful of when the Moon goes void of course during this period, as wishes made then may lack staying power. During void of course times, focus on meditation or your usual routine. 🪄Wish Windows: 🌊PACIFIC TIME: ▶️Make your wishes between 2:27 pm December 30th and 10:02 pm on December 31st ⏸PAUSE while the moon is Void Of Course. ▶️Continue making your wishes between 2:50 am and 2:27 pm on January 1st 🏔MOUNTAIN TIME: ▶️Make your wishes between 3:27 pm on December 30th and 11:02 pm on December 31st ⏸PAUSE while the moon is Void Of Course. ▶️Continue making your wishes between 3:50 am and 3:27 pm on January 1st 🌾CENTRAL TIME: ▶️Make your wishes between 4:27 pm on December 30th and 12:02 am on January 1st ⏸PAUSE while the moon is Void Of Course. ▶️Continue making your wishes between 4:50 am and 4:27 pm on January 1st 🍎EASTERN TIME: ▶️Make your wishes between 5:27 pm on December 30th and 1:02 am on January 1st ⏸PAUSE while the moon is Void Of Course. ▶️Continue making your wishes between 5:50 am and 5:27 pm on January 1st
#newmoonincapricorn #newmoon #newmoonintentions #humandesign #humandesigncoach