PART 2 NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A driver wrought carnage on
#NewOrleans ’ famed French Quarter early on New Year’s Day, killing 10 people as he steered around a police blockade and rammed a pickup truck into a crowd before being shot to death by
#police , authorities said. More than 30 people were injured as the
#attack around 3:15 a.m. Wednesday turned festive
#BourbonStreet into macabre mayhem and led to a one-day postponement of a college
#football playoff game that drew tens of thousands of fans to the city. The FBI is investigating the attack as an act of terrorism and said it does not believe the driver acted alone. An Islamic State group flag was found on the vehicle’s trailer hitch, the
#FBI said.
#victims #Hospital #survivors #fyp #foru #Louisiana #incident #incendio #rip