These are not just regular moths though, these codling moths cannot reproduce & therefore keep populations down in treated orchards. We work with M3 Agriculture Technologies, who specialize in the S.I.R process, all the way through. From sterilizing moths in a Canadian lab, to bringing them to the U.S, and releasing the moths through a high-tech drone application! We have done this for a few years now in our organic blocks and it has TRANSFORMED them, genuinely lifting our stress around codling moths.🙏 Why don’t we like these little guys in our orchards? 🍎🐛 -mated females can lay around 100 eggs each -these eggs hatch into larvae that feed on the inside of apples, eventually chewing their way to the surface (think of the stereotypical worm in the apple) -they reproduce QUICKLY and create generations of destruction in just a summer. This use of integrated pest management (IPM) called Sterile Insect Release (SIR) has been huge for us, creating long term benefits & reducing spray applications. ⭐️ If you’re a grower, you can work through your supplier or directly with M3 Agriculture Technologies to start your SIR journey. Check out the link in my bio for more!
#Farming #Agriculture #IPM #AgTech #SIR #Orchardist #CodlingMoth #Pests #Orchard #Washington #PNW #WaAg #LearnOnTikTok