I created a Jackie Carson merchandise store that will have thousands of different types of merchandise to choose from. I included just a few pics of some types of merch available that can be scrolled through! I plan to keep adding tons! This store should be available in different countries, not just the United States. I’m going to keep adding products! :-) I designed my own logo too! If there is a photo you like of me that you would like on a piece of merchandise, please let me know what you would like it added to, and I will create it for you!! 🤗 I will be adding a wall calendar for 2025, I’m creating ones you will love, posters, additional clothing, and accessories. I’m also adding all my merchandise to a website I will share in the near future! Here is my first store link: https://jackie-carson-merchandise.myspreadshop.com/all It may need pasted in your browser. It also is on my link tree at the top of my Instagram. I currently have two IG accounts @jackmcars12 & @jackmcars25 I’m having problems with one so I made another temporarily. If you follow both, I greatly appreciate it. I’m also going to be adding merchandise to my Patreon soon, and members will get a piece of merchandise included with their membership every few months ! Higher tiers will get more expensive merchandise. I appreciate all your support as a musical artist! Love you all!! 😘💕🙏🎵 My new EP release date will be announced soon, most likely mid January! I have a very important performance coming up at New Years, wish me luck!! 😘🙏🎵 Love, Jackie 💕🎵
#singer #songwriter #jackiecarson #merchandise #fyp #differentcountries #forsale #merch