The other day I had a young man text me on Instagram: "Can you give me your one biggest advice so I can get rich?" And I just want to sit that person down and tell them... "Man, I WISH I could just tell you a couple words and make you rich by tomorrow... But that's not how it works." That's because what that young man needs to realize is that the more he finds out, the more he will understand how much more he still has to learn. So what I REALLY tell him is... "Get a mentor" Because once you have that figured out, everything else will start falling into place. And getting a good mentor might sometimes be expensive Because once you have that figured out, everything else will start falling into place. And getting a good mentor might sometimes be expensive... But making the mistakes in your business that prevent you from scaling and eat away at your time will cost you SUBSTANTIALLY more. So when you do get a mentor, you need to do everything in your power keep him for as long as possible... Because he will be your biggest asset. That's exactly why me and Chris rood made it as easy as possible for you to get in touch with us in Allies.
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