When the WX does not want to cooperate. Here my friend Harley (who just arrived the day before from Sydney, Australia) Is in the back of Victory Flight Training's 1st (of 3) Marchetti S211A jets after trying to take off then the ceiling got way to low and the rains came. They were waiting at the far side of the airport when two USN F-5Es tried to land but did a missed approach very very low getting close to them! They came back and we waited for a better opportunity window. I was supposed to be taking this flight, but I gave the slot to Harley and got mine later. He is a pilot as well and owns an F-111 Crew Module in Australia. He had the fun of trying depart and getting more time in it when the WX cleared. He had a blast. I got great videos of VFT's crew, the jet and ops from the outside. This was on the Friday before the Fort Worth Alliance Airshow that used to be every October..SNOW came next then on Sunday, it was Clear Sky's and 79F- Only Texas can have such a swing of WX fates!
#fly #fyp #warbird #s211 #pilot #airport #kafw #alliance #airshow #life #IFR #rain