A TikTok ban seems more likely than ever, and I’m feeling so so sad about it. This is the video that started it all. I recorded this little Carpenters cover clip in my PJs 3 years ago, not expecting anything of it. Next thing I knew, I started live-streaming, posting more videos…and it all led to you guys. Perhaps a miracle will keep this app from being banned in the US…but I try to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. If you want to follow me on the other platforms, (they rhyme with sistagram and blazebook) I’m lizrosesings over there. You can sign up for my email list on my website as well. I’ll still be posting and streaming here until I no longer can—but if the app gets banned, it will eventually become unusable. PS I’m doing a live show in NYC in April- tickets are at link in my bio. Thanks guys. I love you all 💜🥺
#70smusic #thecarpenters #karencarpenter #singer #alto