i met my younger self for coffee today.
we were both on time.
she ordered a matcha latte, and so did i. she just got out of the hospital for acid reflux, with eye bags from lack of sleep. i have a healthy body and get a full eight hours of rest.
she constantly starved herself to be as skinny as possible. now, i am a powerlifter.
she just moved into her first apartment in hanoi. i've been living in america for three years now.
she’s about to go on her first date with the high school boyfriend she just met. i am single and pursuing my career. she loved oil paintings. and so do i.
she talked about her dream of traveling the world. i told her i’ve been to 11 countries.
she said the person she loved the most was mom. i told her she was mine too. before we left, she asked, "is everything gonna be okay?"
i winked. "absolutely." i hope we can get coffee again soon.
#youngerself #duhocmy #klinhheavenly #duhoc #queenofhearts #studyabroad #coffee