@selfdefensegoat Train Self Defense with me online! 👊 Comment COURSE and I’ll send you the link for my complete digital program. Training for self defense does not mean you have to achieve a high skill level in all disciplines of martial arts. That’s why I put together a complete self defense system. My program is 40,000+ hours of training and teaching experience distilled down into the most reliable and effective techniques and philosophies to keep you safe. This is not a BS kick em in the groin fight is over self defense course. You’ll learn the truth about what it means to protect yourself. ***Comment COURSE for a direct link to get my complete program and train it over time learning at your own pace. Use code KGDEFENSE for 20% off at the link below… BudoBrothers.tv/pages/self-defense This program will take the guess work out of training different martial arts and wondering what is useful and what is not. It’s the martial side of martial arts.
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