Jeff Bezos and Amazon falsely accused my husband of a crime five years ago. The DOJ seized our assets, the FBI raided our home, and Amazon sued my husband for mafia racketeering. We fought loudly and in public, screaming for the truth. In the end, DOJ returned the money, vacated 4 pleas from alleged co conspirators (unprecedented in American legal history), and a federal judge tossed out Amazon’s civil federal claims before trial. DOJ closed the investigation. But because we fought, many people sent us threats. We have four little girls. It’s been terrifying. I don’t know if Amazon paid online users to threaten us, though they’ve admitted to hiring Pinkerton detectives, they’ve admitted to hiring online commenters in other fights, and Bezos hires former CIA execs as his personal bodyguards. We can’t know who is threatening us, but the toll is exhausting. How do I protect my family?
#jeffbezos #amazonworker #oligarch #lawfare