life is hard dudes, no denying that. Please, take the lesson I've learned, and the severe consequences I've learned and don't do what I've done. clearly I'm NOT a professional, so always talk to someone who is, but don't neglect your body. don't neglect your mental health. trauma stays as stress, even if you don't FEEL stressed. even if you feel you can tackle the world at large in front of you and that you're just used to it all. it does real, physical damage. don't let that damage happen when it can be avoided. find a good outlet in your grief with friends, family, loved ones or just by yourself in a creative world you design. it's far better than the alternative. and I'm super serious. if you need someone to hold space, feel free to send me a DM. I'm more than happy to be an ear for the moment. 🖤 sometimes, a bit of space and an open ear makes a difference. sending love to you all!
#creativeliving #traumahealing #takecareofyou #dontstaynumb #learnmylesson #lifelesson #lifebelifeing #holdingspaceforyou #sendinglove #skelmediumdesigns