batenjan mehchi (stuffed whole eggplant) Ingredients: 7 medium size eggplant 150 g yellow onions, finely chopped 1 bunch Italian parsley, finely chopped 130 g tomatoes, finely chopped 10 g Serrano pepper, finely chopped 120 g short grain rice 60 g lemon juice 50 g pomegranate molases 80 g olive oil 5 g ground black pepper 5 g ground all spice 15 g salt مكونات : ٧ باذنجانات حجم وسط
١٥٠ غرام بصل أصفر مفروم ناعم
حزمة بقدونس إيطالي مفروم ناعم
١٣٠ غرام طماطم مفرومة ناعمة
١٠ غرام فلفل سيرانو مفروم ناعم
٥ غرام ثوم مفروم
١٢٠ غرام رز حبة قصيرة
٦٠ غرام عصير ليمون
٥٠ غرام دبس رمان
٨٠ غرام زيت زيتون
٥ غرام فلفل أسود مطحون
٥ غرام بهارات مشكلة مطحونة
١٥ غرام ملح Instructions: Wash the eggplants and trim off the tops. Use the corer to carefully hollow out the eggplants, removing the flesh and leaving about 1/4inch of the outer skin intact. Be gentle so the skin doesn't tear. Set the hollowed eggplants aside. In a separate mixing bowl, add the chopped onions, tomatoes, parsley, chili، rice, lemon juice, pomegranate molases, garlic, olive oil, salt, spices and mix well and let it sit for 20 minutes. Carefully stuff each hollowed eggplant with the rice mixture, pressing down gently to pack it in. Using a medium size pot, add some sliced onions and layer on top some sliced tomatoes. Arrange the stuffed eggplants in the pot and add all the remaining juices from the rice mixture on top of the eggplant. Add water, cover the pot and bring it up to boil then lower the heat and let it simmer for 40-50 minutes, until the eggplants are tender and the rice is fully cooked.