↓ Here’s what you can do ↓ Progesterone production is dependent on a few things: ⭐️Successful ovulation ⭐️Optimal cholesterol levels (too low can cause low P) ⭐️No excess stress Comment PROGESTERONE and I’ll send you 3 labs to have checked that can help. Signs of low P include: painful cramping, spotting before your period, loose stools before period, poor sleep before period, difficulty conceiving, mood swings/anxiety before period. Here’s a few things you can do- 🤍Focus on optimizing ovulation- improve your sleep quality/quantity. Wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. Add more fiber into your diet. Chia seeds, ground flax seeds, nuts, oatmeal, and fruits/veggies are great sources. 🤍Focus on fat consumption- are you eating enough? Prioritize foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids like fish (salmon and sardines), olive oil, chia seeds, walnuts. I frequently work on INCREASING food consumption with my patients as they typically aren’t eating enough. 🤍Excess stress can come from a lot of things- infection, poor sleep, emotional/mental stress, vitamin deficiencies, etc. Implement daily breathing exercises and meditation into your routine- 5-10 minutes is all you need! These are very basic places to start and this is what sets a healthy foundation for your body. Having some basic lab testing done can help with this too. Comment PROGESTERONE and I’ll send you 3 labs to have checked that can help!
#progesterone #lowprogesterone #ttccommunity