You HAVE to Tell People, Even BELIEVERS to REPENT OF SIN, God warned a woman to Stop Smoking Cigaretters and pleasing the flesh nature, or you will not enter heaven because of that blemish, you must repent and live holy and endure to the end to be saved, do not think if you live on the broad path that you are okay, do not think because you believe Jesus that every sin you do *willfully not by accident* is okay. Theres a difference between a Child of God who is struggling with sin and is trying to repent and falls sometimes (Verses) a lukewarm believer who has no fear of God and lives in willful unrepentance thinking they will still enter God's holy heaven just because they believe yet don't believe in living by the word of God. You must run the race of faith (Hebrews 12:1, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27) by the rules to earn your crown so you will not be disqualified*, entering heaven is difficult and not easy, you must strive on that path, if anyone teaches you just believe and live however you want, that person is a liar. This life is too short to play around in, live every day as though you will be judged by God in everything you think, say and do. Because He will judge you by all your deeds (Romans 2:5-11, Ecclesiastes 12:15-14, 1 Peter 1:13-17) This is from Tricia Bonenfant on Ytube
#christians #JesusLovesYou #Believer #faith #glorytogod #manofGod #womanofGod #HolySpirit #thetruth #JesusisLord #repent #holiness #childofgod🙏💞