My Favorite medieval fashion elements as shown by manuscripts. Which your favorite part of medieval fashion! Note these are all fairly late in the era 1300-1400 CE and show only a limited view of the period that spans nearly 1000 years. Because I chose a text that is not easy to read and for some reason when I uploaded it the quailty dropped and blurred the text. Text by slide easy to read version slide 1: fashion to bring back in the medieval revival chainmail and cloaks are already back so not included in this list. my personal favs from the late medieval era slide 2: parti-color Garments sewn with pieces of the pattern cut from different colored cloth slide 3:decorative cut edges foliated, dragged, castellated Slide 4: Long Pointed Shoes called Poulaines (from poland) or crakow one Benedictine monk says those who wear them have "given themselves up to sodimidic filth" note under the king *actually the leg of the person behind him but my hand slipped slide 5: Tippets long stripes of cloth or fur hanging from the elbow or shoulder slide 6: hoods with lirpipe sometimes called a chaperon. The liripipe is the long tail.
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