It’s been real my friends. I owe this app a lot. I’ve made wonderful friends. I joined in 2019 and it got me back into cosplay. It helped me establish the love I had for the craft and it allowed me a creative space for that, and I’m grateful. The communities built here were some of my favorites and TikTok has always been a top app for me in terms of general enjoyment. It helped me a lot during the lockdown, as I’m sure others felt the same. It was a place I could freely post about whatever nerdy ideas came to my head. And then the MHA fandom. It’s definitely had it’s ups and downs, but the love I received on my videos, of my Deku au’s specifically, is something I will never forget. I had such a great time sharing those silly storylines with you all and loved that you loved them as much as I did. I wish I had stayed active, but life just goes nuts sometimes. I’ll be on instagram and twitter, though I don’t post as much as I’d like. I’m holding out hope that we’ll find a new place like this, but we’ll see. I might post some drafts til Sunday. See y’all in the next one 💕
#izukumidoriya #mhacosplay #cosplay #fyp