I miss my dad. I just want to hear his voice, his laugh and feel his hug again. 😢 Someone messaged me how much my making sacrifices during my busy life to fly to see my dad when he was here that it inspired them to want to spend more time with their father. Love that. 🤍 Most mom’s and dad would agree that the hardest job on the planet is PARENTING. Each stage of life got harder. Besides those terrible 2’s! 😂 Seriously though, God bless every parent that made it through the teenage years. Then, our kids went off to college and became adults and what they don’t realize that being a parent is something that never ends. Sure the role changes, but we are always dad or mom.🤍 I remember for years my mom and dad telling me in my 20’s how much it means for me and my brothers to pick up the phone and call them to say I love you, make efforts to spend time with them. But, like most of us in our 20’s we thought we had every answer to life and self absorbed in our own world & hurts, and not realizing they have lots to learn about life. Remember those days. 😂 It was not until we matured and gained life wisdom that we realized how much our parents were not perfect, but right and many of us had the grateful conversations with our folks to say, THANK YOU— for unconditional love, forgiveness. for being there through their tough days and decisions, thanks for life lessons and for years of sacrifices. When I was in college, I had to write a letter and put a stamp on it and wait weeks for a reply through the post office delivery or find a landline or phone booth to go out of my way to tell my parents I loved them. Our adult kids have every technology device within arms reach mostly anywhere they go. Many of you with adult kids like me have shared our hearts that a quick I love you text, call on special occasions or a timely response at the very least means more than they will ever know. There may be some of you reading this that still have have gotten too busy for your loved ones. My prayer is you’re reminded of the brevity of life and that same unconditional love and sacrifice shown to you is desired by your parents. 🤍
#parenting #adultchildren #parents #dad #mom #missyoudad #daddy #lifeisshort #honor #respect #Love #unconditionallove #grief #prayers